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Help restore and preserve Latrobe for the next 150 Years with a gift that will impact thousands of families, residents, and visitors for generations!  These planned gifts can be customizable to your spefications and vision.  Please contact our office for more information on any of the following.

NAP: Neighborhood Assistance Program.  Instead of paying your state business taxes to the government you can redirect them right here in Latrobe towards one of our many projects: The Lincoln Avenue Trail, Blight and Delapitated Buildings Restoration, and others!  Projects can be permanently renamed at the discretion of the business making the generous donation.  

Revolving Loan Fund: Make a loan to your home town. Minimum loan $10,000.00 Interest rate 2%. Ten year amortization. Goal: Create a $500,000.00 revolving loan fund to purchase run down properties and recycle them into productive tax producing real estate.

Leave a Legacy Fund: You get to rename a parking lot of your choice and we will work with you to add decorative lighting, beautiful flowering trees, and other features while adding a permanent plaque honoring this new revitalized lot.  

Join the 2160 club: Endow the future. Latrobe is a little over 150 years old. Endow Latrobe’s next 150 years with a three to five year pledge that will be deposited into our local Foundation and will be used to supplement the expenses of community services not funded by the City budget.

Donate Your Land: Do you have a parcel/building that is a financial burden?  We will appraise it, at our expense, and give you that appraised number so that you can take a tax deduction instead of a tax bill for 2011. 

Sponsor a Project: You pick the project. You name the project. You fund it. We implement it for you and, we tell the world about your generousity and commitment to “the town you grew up in” at your discretion or in honor of a loved one. 


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